Sunday, October 13, 2013

Forgiveness and Love

We all have feet of clay, we all make mistakes
It's sad, but we often do things that sting our beloveds' hearts

Our bad choices make the situations even worse
Our bonds get broken in haste by our hurtful words

The humiliating hurt remains for years to come
To make it worse, there are things which can't be undone

The hurt and sadness, so profound that it touches the soul
What remains is regret for years, poignantly remorseful

The only way to tear all this apart is forgiveness and love
Without wasting the time any further, let's now resolve

Let's forgive and love ourselves first, then each other
Let's be contented with whatever we have of each other

Let the broken, bruised and battered hearts recover
Forgiveness and Love would bring us the much needed cheer

Let's learn from the life's most agonizing lessons
Let's not forget our past misadventures and transgressions

I'm sorry, Ma'am, to have caused you this agony and pain
Let's resolve that we won't ever enter into this game again

You're so beautiful, delightful and bright
I wish I could hug you, holding you so tight

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